Computer Science Undergraduate with entry-level experience in Software Engineering and Development. Skilled in C++, JAVA, Python, Operating Systems, and Software Engineering. I am keenly interested in Data Science and Machine Learning. A highly organized and hard-working individual with persuasive communication and collaborative skills. Apart from Problem Solving, I invest my time on Cooking, Gardening, and Nature Photography. I'm a highly ambitious, self-driven, passionate, and results-oriented individual who believes in character, values, vision, and action. Aside from my academic goal, my objective is to work in a pragmatic manner such that the talent achieves both organizational and personal growth.
Make awareness among students about Entrepreneurship and related activities organized by E-Cell, IIT Bombay. Completed all the assigned tasks on time and Build strong connections with like-minded people.
Focuses on developing technical and industrial Alexa skills among students by organizing practical workshops, events, hackathons, and many more. The primary goal as a member is to bring tech enthusiasts, developers, computer veterans, etc. all like-minded people on one platform so that all of us could grow together. Build strong connections with like-minded people.
Learned to help students with Hackathons and Encourage Meetups, Organized by GirlScript. Got in touch for On-ground activities with Chapter Leader and Officials to talk and plan good strategies.
Looked 1 to 4 children to teach through online mode and enroll them with Teach From Home. Teach the enrolled children English and Mathematics subjects for 15 sessions. Learn from the feedback received from the children in my teaching style.
Work as a Moderator for the Public Speaking and Data Science domains during the project. Work on 2 Data Science projects for 3 months. Toil with more than 100 students of Data Science and 50 plus students of the Public Speaking domain. Work on building strong soft skills and enhance technical skills. Make efforts with more than 10 mentors of different domains.
Encourage students to learn how to create cool Lenses for Snapchat using Lens Studio. Enlighten students and professionals to take part in Snapchat's very first AR Lens Creation Hackathon - Lensathon. Attended several webinars on different technology stacks organized for the Skillenza community.
Encourage students to learn new skills offered by Progate. Empower students to open new doors through programming.
Work as a Q&A Expert at Chegg Inc. for the subject Computer Science.
Computer Science undergraduate student of Chandigarh Engineering College, Landran. Skilled in Java, Python, Software Development. A Data Science and Machine Learning enthusiast.
Computer Science undergraduate having experience in Software Development. Skilled in C++, JAVA, Python, Operating Systems, and Software Engineering with knowledge of Machine Learning, Data Science and Android Development.
It is a trained Neural Network model that will be able to predict House Prices with Regression. It takes some information like the age of the house, geographical location as input and predicts the price of a house. This model is based on Keras with TensorFlow as its backend and uses it to solve a basic regression problem.
View ProjectA trained Neural Network model that will be able to predict digits from hand-written images with a high degree of accuracy. It takes an image of a handwritten digit as input and predicts the class of that digit, that is, it predicts the digit or it predicts the class of the input image. This model is based on Keras with TensorFlow as its backend and uses it to solve a basic image classification problem.
View ProjectA Quiz App with pictorial multiple-choice questions. It assigns different scores according to the number of correct answers given by the user. It has a time limit in which the user has to answer each question. It has two separate interfaces, one for User and another for Admin. Users can attempt the test after register them. Admin can add or remove the questions and their categories.
View ProjectIt is a single player game. It has bricks which has to be break with the help of movable ball and a paddle. The score of the player will be shown simultaneously in the game. Each brick has some value which is constant for all bricks.
View ProjectIt is a Notepad allowing users to write and edit text files. It saves the text file on the system at the desired location. It also provides reading aloud facility to the user. Built on Java Swings and FreeTTS API is used for reading aloud facility.
View ProjectIt is a GUI based Calculator allowing users to perform basic mathematical calculations. Basic Maths operations include Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division. It also includes a power button for ON/OFF feature and a direct EXIT button.
View ProjectTicTacToe is based on the classic board game, also known as "noughts and crosses" with two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. It is a two players game in which each player turn by turn enters the input just by clicking on the one of the nine grid block. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the winner.
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